1/8 Miharu Fuyuki
Anime/Bishoujo Game: Pia Carrot 3
Sculpted by: Hiroshi Inagaki
Company: Kotobukiya
Released: Jan 2004
Price: 3480 Yen
Added to collection: 15/02/06
What I like most about Fuyuki is her dress and its details; the bow, the ribbon, the badge etc, and the shading on her dress is well-done. Her pose is interesting as well, with her arms stretched out. Mould-lines aren't too visible since most of them look like the seams on her dress. Her face was scultped well and she looks very much like herself from the anime. She's also surprisingly heavy for a 1/8 figure.
The paint job could've been better- more precise and smooth- as well as the general finishing of the figure. And she has difficulty staying upright on her stand. Can't really expect a first-class figure here since she didn't cost very much on ebay. So I guess she's really pretty good for her price.
She looks bad like that, because it's a fake!
Thanks for the heads-up! You've just confirmed the suspicion which has been hanging at the back of my head ever since I bought the figure.
How do you know she's a fake for sure?
i) the bootleg version is very common
ii) i got it cheap
iii) the quality (paint job) is below average.
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