Sunday, June 22, 2008

SD Musha Gundam (Ganso Bandai HK)

Name: SD Musha Gundam
Series: Ganso SD Gundam
Number: R015 (Hong Kong release)
Started: 20th March 08
Completed: 21st June 08

It seems like I took ages to finish this SD Musha Gundam but I had a little hiatus half way through after the assembling and sanding- only started the painting a few weeks back. This is another SD Gundam from the Ganso line and so it's quite rare and slightly bigger than the other SD kits out there. The quality sucks big time and so lots of sanding was required and painting is a must. I took more photos of the progress so you'll be able to see the transformation from a 3rd-grade cheapo toy to a decent SD Gundam model:)

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As you can see, the assembled SD Musha Gundam looks depressing. The yellow parts (the spear and V-fins) are made from some really rubbery and flexible plastic giving the paints an impossible time to stick onto (despite of the primer). The spear is irreversibly bent so I decided to mod it using a satay stick instead. I also filled in the back of the shield with putty.

This was the first time priming my kit after the filing and sanding step. I used Mr. Base White 1000 which I heard, does the same job as Mr. Surfacer but in white. It stunk real bad and fine white dust went everywhere. Respirator is a must.

Fast forward a few steps: finished masking (a real pain) and airbrushing. Small touch-ups were done by hand. The yellow dots on the helmet took a while to do.

Gloss Mr. Top Coat was applied before the panel lining step. I used the given sticker for the eyes coz I doubt I'll be able to paint the eyes properly by hand and I'm afraid the Gundam will end up retarded.

Black enamel wash was used for panel lining. The paint was left for a minute or two before cleaning the excess paint with cotton bud and thinner.

Finished panel-lining.

This is the finished product after spraying matt Mr. Top Coat.


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Blogger 5thLuna said...

hi there!
congrats your new Ganso job ^^
now we can hardly get here ><

23/6/08 5:49 PM  
Blogger Cloud said...


i found this website with lots of SD Ganso gundams:

23/6/08 6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicely done. For panel washing, how much thinner is required to mix with the black paint?

29/6/08 1:30 PM  
Blogger Cloud said...

uhhh.... i don't measure but i go for about paint:thinner of 1:7, i think. somewhere around there. if the paint flows well then it's correct but if it's too diluted, the line wont be dark enough. hope that helps.

29/6/08 10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job on the SD!

21/7/08 11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good job.

You are talented ;)

7/10/08 7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cloud is talented???!!!


guess who!

25/10/08 12:23 AM  
Blogger Cloud said...

let me guess, you're Lucky Star?:p

25/10/08 11:49 AM  
Blogger yanmin* said...

unfortunately no though i wished its me. hahaha.

that's my sister's sort of blog- she's lazy to set up an account so me did it for her. she's training for her napha? (however's that spelt) that's approaching 2 weeks.

dont think i'll be shooting that anyway (:

25/1/09 10:37 AM  
Blogger yanmin* said...

my sis claims she runs too slowly and has privatized the blog HAHAHA.


i did run to run with her!! i ran once with her for like 15 mins and uh leg pain O.o and i did try to run up stairs in engine for one day!!!

so i suppose you could applaud me for my 2 days of exercise (ALOT considering i dont exercise at all) before i decided that exercising is just not my cup of tea =P me likes the air con room and indoors too much (:

25/1/09 10:50 AM  

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